Home to 50 years of Christmas Messiah concerts on Princess Anne Street, Fredericksburg, Virginia. And, from further away, the other side of the spire as seen from Chatham Manor across the Rappahannock River in Stafford County.
Helen with McCormicks & Ridouts
Tim & Mike finish Richmond sprint triathlon
Each was 5th or 6th in his age group!
A rainy afternoon on the porch at Belmont
Looking down to the start of the Belmont/Ferry Farm trail
Double-crested cormorants
On the Rappahannock River at Laucks Island, Fredericksburg, Virginia
A fine spring morning
Dad’s birthday weekend
With Nick and Judy, Gareth and Nancy, we celebrated Dad’s birthday on what was coincidentally Memorial Day Weekend. Dad and I had a walk in Duff Park one day and Beaver Run the next, where we noticed an exceptionally large tulip poplar tree. Didn’t take many pictures this weekend, and only saved these six:
From the wildlife camera, Jan-Apr, 2018
26 images, about 10 seconds apart. Click the image to skip the wait. By the way, we’re not actively trying to fence the critters out — only to keep the dog in. We’ve seen adult deer easily jumping that 5′ fence, but they hardly ever bother, and the squirrels squeeze through those 2″ x 4″ openings. I think the box turtles burrow underneath, but so far this dog hasn’t learned to do that. The vine climbing the fence is the notorious Japanese honeysuckle, branded by the state as a noxious weed. Its flowers are pretty, and they really do smell like honey later in the spring.
Redbud, and . . .
Went back to Willowmere Park after my run there this morning, thinking I could try one more time to get an ok photo of eastern redbud in blossom. It’s very noticeable in early spring in woods or hedgerows near us, but it doesn’t last long, and seems difficult to photograph. True, it’s purple not red. But this is:
This cardinal was continually singing loudly about 30 feet above me, despite my approach, but I had to look to find him, and zoom in.