Admiring the daffodils

I was surprised the squirrel would be so bold as to stand still there while I got closer with the camera. Since we lost Cadbury they’ve had no worries, as Roxie generally can’t be bothered to chase them. But yesterday, Jammer the new dog arrived, so perhaps they’ll learn to be a bit more cautious.

Tomato Cage

Elspeth designed this tomato cage for Sandy’s birthday, and I helped her and Tim put it up last weekend, though not quite all the chicken wire is up yet, and it still needs a door at the back. Maybe next year some of the tomatoes will come to us instead of the squirrels.

Still no luck with the owl box

Still no luck with the owl box, nor with the Wildview camera, really. I removed the second squirrel nest and installed fresh bedding of a few wood chips, leaves, etc. And since the camera had this time failed to get a single shot of the squirrel coming and going, I moved it to a tree five feet closer, even though it’s now going to be pointing close to the setting sun.

Here’s the Wildview camera: