Science and Technology
The Skyrider
Visible means of some port
Looking behind the rock garden
From the wildlife camera, Jan-Apr, 2018
26 images, about 10 seconds apart. Click the image to skip the wait. By the way, we’re not actively trying to fence the critters out — only to keep the dog in. We’ve seen adult deer easily jumping that 5′ fence, but they hardly ever bother, and the squirrels squeeze through those 2″ x 4″ openings. I think the box turtles burrow underneath, but so far this dog hasn’t learned to do that. The vine climbing the fence is the notorious Japanese honeysuckle, branded by the state as a noxious weed. Its flowers are pretty, and they really do smell like honey later in the spring.
Wildlife camera: deer at back fence
Quick, deer
Super blue blood moon eclipse
Couldn’t see the January 31st early-morning eclipse from our half of North America, but by bedtime the moon was again dominating our sky. A couple of weeks later I adjusted exposure and other settings in Lightroom, but left the original viewable here.