Reservoir Dried Up

A government website says “The Youghiogheny River Reservoir is approximately …16 miles long with … an average depth of 54 ft and a maximum depth of 121 ft…”. It’s crossed by US Route 40, known at one time as the National Road, and always a convenient stop for a picnic on the journey between home and Dad’s. On holiday weekends in the summer it has powerboats and sometimes water skiiers. But thanks to this year’s drought, Elspeth and Tim’s family found it almost dry, and got to walk onto the old bridge built many years before the reservoir was there. The first picture shows the current road bridge, way up in the air above Cora.

General Election 2024

Hartwood Precinct ran very well without me this time. They saw 3,691 voters, 34% for Kamala Harris, 64% for Trump. Also 65% for Derrick Anderson, 35% for the Congressional winner, Eugene Vindman. And 64% for Hung Cao, 35% for winner of the Senate race, Tim Kaine. Photo arranged by Bob Jankovits. I inserted the one official who’d been left out of the frame, copying him in from the 2023 general election photo.

Front Row, L-R: Russell Reeves (AC), Shannon Shinskie, Julie Leturno, Margery Schafer, Susan Young, Rosalyn Dodd, Marthe Lattinville-Pace, Charles Lawson, Christopher Chrislip.
Back Row, L-R: Bradley Newton, Roger Leturno, Chuck Schafer, Jared Smith, Bob Jankovits (AC), William Burns, Tom Gruber (Chief), Kyle Graham.

Northern Lights?

About 11pm, October 10th. Our largest northern exposure (through the trees) is from the bottom of the driveway, looking up the street. I had a vague idea I might be sensing some pinkness in the haze, but wasn’t sure I wasn’t imaging it. With the big camera on a tripod, in the dark I couldn’t remember how to do a time exposure of more than 15 seconds. Looked like all I got was black. But later in Lightroom, I maximized the exposure, then saved these three shots.

Virginia 10-Miler

My status, mile 9 vs. mile 10:

This was the 50th Virginia Ten-Miler, and my 27th. Chip time 1:51:19, 11:08 pace per mile, 10th of 20 in M70-74. Did ok the first 9 miles, but then both calves kept saying they were ready to snap, so I had a hard time with slow jogging or even fast walking. Still my all-time favorite race!

John Ashburn and me at sunrise, before the race, then after, at brunch.