Near Thurmont, Maryland
View today from the Shamrock Restaurant, on Route 15 between Thurmont and Gettysburg, a good place to stop for lunch between Stafford and Harrisburg. Draught Guinness on tap.
Warrenton, Virginia
Working the Republican primary election for US Senate
Erin and Sheara’s Wedding, 2 June 2012
Beth and little Nicholas are home!
“Our new routine: feed the baby, change the baby, nap, repeat.”
(Photo by Mike?)
Clematis, by the front door
Note of May 4th: I took several shots of the clematis over several days, using the trial-and-error method of learning how to use my digital SLR camera. In the picture below, I manipulated some raw file settings in a photo editing program called Darktable, trying to improve one of those pictures.
Another shot taken about the same time (added 6/19/2012):