. . . but not much left by 10:30 this morning. Went for a run in shorts and t-shirt about 3:30, when it was 50 degrees. Perhaps winter hasn’t really got started yet.
A winter sunset in Manassas
Congratulations, Erin!
Great blue heron
At Government Island, Stafford, Virginia. 2:54pm, Kodak Easyshare, maximum zoom, no tripod. Got another chance at the same bird a few minutes later, 3:06pm, from a different angle and a bit closer.
How can the same bird look so different from a different angle and with light that must have been almost the same? And that is the same water, not snow, even the same spot. The temperature was about 60F, or 16C. I was in a T-shirt on the last Sunday in November.
A (frequent) face at the window
Precinct Hartwood 101
Just 45 minutes left till the polls close — Tuesday, November 8th, 2011. For the officials, the day started here before 5am and we didn’t get out until 10pm. The two electronic pollbooks maintain a single data base through that “network bridge” but also operate a single ticket printer on the ballot table out of sight. Of 3,900 registered voters, just over 1,000 came to us to vote.
Last afternoon of daylight savings time
A table for two
Caught on camera
Front lawn by day
Automated slideshow of about a dozen shots, Oct 22 and 24, about 5pm both days. Scroll down a bit to see the whole frame. Rapidly left-click the picture to speed things up.