Music last weekend

4-1-2014 9-05-23 AM

A higher-priority item on my calendar this weekend — the Charlottesville Ten Miler — took place before the three musical events, but will have to be written up later.

Attended the U Mary Washington Philharmonic concert Saturday. Heard Itzhak Perlman play the Beethoven Violin Concerto. Terrific! And the orchestra sounded better than I’ve ever heard them.

Sunday, sang my second ever solo in church. (A few years ago, I sang If Thou Be Near, being enamoured of Kirsten Flagstad: If Thou Be Near) This time it was Wilt Thou Forgive, a John Donne poem. I listened many times to one done by a baritone to lute accompaniment (which I actually paid for), and really enjoyed. There’s one done by a boy soprano here: Connor Burrowes: Wilt Thou Forgive

Our choral society’s annual spring gala “Just Jazz” (dinner/concert) was held Sunday.
We sold 98 of the 100 tickets — I think there were ten tables with ten $75 seats, and I didn’t notice any vacant. Here’s what we did:
5:15 p.m. SET 1

    Afro Blue — instruments only
    Medley 1: When I fall in Love, Dundee Frim Fram Sauce, Carla My Funny Valentine, Adrienne
    Duet: It Don’t mean a thing: Pam and Dawn Able
    Medley 2: You Belong to Me, Regina Someone to Watch over me, Jenny, Love me or Leave me, Sarah
    Small Group: The Way you Look Tonight

5:45 ish SET 2

    Pass me the Jazz — small group
    Words—small group
    Do you feel the rhythm — SoundCheck (in audience)
    Linus and Lucy

6:45 SET 3

    Your Cheatin’ Heart — Women only
    Love is here to stay — Women only
    Take 5
    You’d be so nice to come home to
    Ain’t that a kick

7:35 SET 4

    James Bond Theme — Men only
    Sweet Georgia Brown — Men only
    Ain’t Misbehavin’
    All the Cats Join in
    Encore—Ain’t that a Kick (just the finale)

Sandy said the best small group number was the Don’t Mean a Thing mother and daughter duet. After the men’s Sweet Georgia Brown, I thought the men’s director’s wry grin hinted that we blew it. SoundCheck is the auditioned subgroup of our “y’all come” choir. Pass Me the Jazz was its most ambitious piece, evidently too ambitious for the whole group so it was done as a subgroup of the subgroup, so I was not in that.

Of the whole-group numbers, I think my favorite and the one I think we did the best was Ain’t Misbehavin’. Linus and Lucy went pretty well. It was a clear favorite of all those lovers of the cartoon characters, something I never could understand. The James Bond theme had a similar strangeness for me, until one of the altos mentioned Pierce Brosnan and I realized he must be the source of much of the bass lyrics, “baaaaaaaaaaaah, baaaaaaaaaaaah, baaaaaaaaaaaah.”

There may be a photo or two later.

Happy Saint Patrick’s Day

Tufted titmouse about 7am, with 5″ of snow on the ground. We had another inch by noon, and initially thought we were snowed in for the day. Again, schools and government offices were all closed. But we were able to get out in the afternoon to attend the event commemorated a bit later.

Thurmont, Maryland

Lunch and a pint of Guinness at the Shamrock Restaurant twice this week, with Sandy, Judy, and Alex. The picture is not of the restaurant, but looking west from behind the restaurant. It’s on US 15 a few miles south of Gettysburg. Roads were fine on this trip except for the 10 country miles closest to home, where they were mostly packed white. This was the day after yet another government-closing, school-closing snowstorm which brought our house about 7″ of unusually sand-like snow. By starting early, I was able (in two sessions) to clear the entire driveway with the leaf-blower.

(I have not paid the $30 annual fee to prevent the occasional appearance of randomly-placed links to somebody else’s advertising. But my use of the WordPress blogging software is free.)

Roxie the Good Dog

Roxie hates to go out in the dark (or the rain or the cold), but as a Good Dog given adequately stern instruction, she will gingerly tip-toe her way out the path into the woods by herself to do her business. When she’s done, she bolts full-tilt back into the house. If we didn’t stand aside we could get bowled over.
2014-03-06 05.43.10

Red-winged Blackbird

Was he expecting to find spring in Virginia?
We’ve seen them regularly at the pond at the other end of Harwill Drive, but not in the winter, and never at home at all until this snowstorm when two of them came to our feeders. Only the male is the distinctive black with epaulets. Cornell Lab of Ornithology says “Females are a subdued, streaky brown, almost like a large, dark sparrow.”