Johnstown Trip

On July 24, 2016, Dad and I visited the museum commemorating the Great Flood of 1889 which killed 2,209 people. Johnstown then was a coal, steel, and railroad town of 30,000 people, many immigrants from either Wales or Germany. It is about 70 miles east of Pittsburgh, among the western ridges of the Appalachian Mountains. I only took one flood-related photo, near the lower entrance to the incline railway, maybe 25 feet above street level. When the floodwaters from a failed dam hit the city, the force was said to have been comparable to the Mississippi River. The destruction of the city and people portrayed by the museum is hard to watch.

Johnstown-Flood-sign.800-07Beside the flood, Johnstown is also known for its incline railway built just after the flood. We parked nearby, then walked very slowly in hot sun and perhaps 90F, 32C, across this pedestrian bridge to the lower station. As senior citizens, we could ride for nothing. Each car can carry 60 people, or 6 motorcycles, or one car. A single journey takes about ninety minutes. At one time it carried a million people a year, mostly commuting from homes above to industry below.Johnstown-Incline-Railway.800-11David-and-Edwin-at-Johnstown-Incline-Railway.800-05David-and-Edwin-on-Johnstown-Incline-Railway.800-00We know how much power it takes to do all that lifting.power-Johnstown-Incline-Railway.800-55So we were glad to find some excellent refreshment at the

NW611, the Spirit of Roanoke, the Queen of Steam

NW611, the Spirit of Roanoke
NW611, the Spirit of Roanoke

The excursion train from Manassas to Front Royal which Tim and Elspeth, Owen and Cora, had taken yesterday. We watched her rush by this afternoon at Gainesville, Virginia, just 10 minutes from McCormick House. In its day, this locomotive could pull 15 passenger cars at 110 mph. It was built by and for Norfolk and Western Railroad in Roanoke in 1950 for $251,544, and served routes such as Norfolk to Cincinatti. See details on NW611 by Virginia Museum of Transportation, and the Norfolk and Western railroad map. Another view, a second later that same day:
611-the-Queen-of-Steam-leaving- Gainesville-Va.800-0426
And even the railroad man sent to keep an eye on us waved to the driver:
Sandy got this shot of some of us spectators:

David’s 95th birthday weekend

familygroup5x7-3888Above and the next two photos were taken by Elspeth. Old 95 Sweet and Strong Ale was specially brewed by Tim to celebrate David’s 95th birthday. Sandy took the first four in the bottom row, and Elspeth the last one. Click to enlarge or start the slideshow.

Joyce-Frost-with-David-3885 Gareth-Dylan-and-Nicholas-on-keyboard-3899 Anna-was-first-of-17-to-dinner-02 Old-95-sweet-and-strong.Presented-by-Cora-03 Old-95-Extra-Special-Strong-Ale-50
setting-out-0386 Walking-the-walk-0388 the-long-view-0391 Dylan-the-happy-hiker-0393 on-the-bench-0402
Anna-Dylan-Cora-4x5- David-and-Nick-musicians-4x5- David-and-sons-4x5- David-and-Gareth-4x5- Tim-and-Owen-and-the-thunder-diesel-4x5-

April visit to Export

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Top left is from our little hike at Bushy Run Battlefield. Then going crazy with the zoom lens looking from the corn field bench to the top of the neighbor’s pylon. Row two: It’s years since corn grew in the corn field; as we sat on the bench there waiting for the sunset (looking downhill towards the gooseberries), dozens of these unknown bushes were almost blazing, covered in little tiny white flowers. The turkeys and the Baltimore oriole rufous-sided towhee (thanks Nick!), both from inside the kitchen, were not keen to wait for the camera to be ready. That’s the red-bellied woodpecker on the tree near the feeder, and a remarkably tame baby squirrel under the feeder.