Made in Scotland

The red cast iron “K6” phone booth outside our Stafford County admin building celebrates Stafford-to-Stafford friendships. Its origin, a product of Kirkintilloch, Scotland, is as a gift  to the county by the Rotary Club, after their member and our late friend Rev Joseph Kerr spotted it in an antique shop in Richmond, 80 miles away. Rotarians in Stafford, UK, helped find parts needed for its renovation. Here are Bruce H’s London “K6” phone booths, borrowed from Facebook:

Running past the weeds

On a morning run at Willowmere Park I passed a stunning display of thistles. I walked back for a closer look and found more to see than just weeds. The hummingbird moth was a bonus but the bindweed so entranced me I failed to focus on the last of the pokeweed berries, although they’re a favorite sight for me since Harold S told me about them. Don’t know what the puffballs are.